Monday, September 14, 2009

u hav just challenged my patience

U hav just challenged my patience

This world is very unique and special. Everything is just balanced. Plants worked out for photosynthesis and animals consumed them as the source of energy.Human is much more unique compared with animals. We,human being,calling ourselves 'spirited animal' since we have emotion,we feel sad,happy,excited,tiredness,pride,proud. We know angry, we wish to get respectation from others. All kind of these emotional activities hav just differenciated human and animals. So, during the human relationship, who own the characteristic of human nature, who rule the world.These all looks just simple, but hard to be done.I know there is somebody whom think he is very brilliant and talented to maintain their own human relationship,by showing off their knowledge and some tricks. And some even humiliate people in the public to gain their self-satisfaction on. Making the people embarass, laughing at them for only to make themselves confortable and even take this apportunities as the stepping stone to achieve their destination. By the way, they might think that they hav proven they're stronger than the guy he gossiped. But he is totally wrong and went out of the right track. Try to figure it out, if you are the person being humiliated, laughed,gossiped, what would you feel, somehow u hav done nothing evil ! Listen, everybody has the metric ruler to measure it. I know you're a responsible and straight young leader in pekan nanas, if you think you are always the brilliant one and talking people bad, i advice you, please look at the mirro and see, you hav done what had said on those Great Leader in pekan nanas. Don't ever do that because u hav not only picked up my impatience and rage but others. Balloon is beutiful when it is full with air, but it will bring u the disaster when u pump too much air. Don't blame me if u forced me to do so. Balloon will be bursting one day !

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